Page 14 - RIKEN


Steering the filaments of the developing brain

During brain development, nerve fibers grow and extend to form brain circuits. This growth is guided by molecular cues (Fig. 1), but exactly how these cues guide axon extension has been unclear. Takuro Tojima and colleagues ...

Oncology & Cancer

Blood cell mutations linked to leukemias are inevitable as we age

A new study by researchers at the RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Science in Japan reports differences in blood cell mutations between Japanese and European populations. The study found that these pre-clinical mutations ...


The pauses that refresh the memory

Sufferers of schizophrenia experience a broad gamut of symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions as well as disorientation and problems with learning and memory. This diversity of neurological deficits has made schizophrenia ...

Medical research

Specialized motor proteins help control immune activation

Specialized immune cells called T cells can recognize threats and induce immune responses through T cell receptors (TCRs), but these receptors do not act alone. Multiple receptors gather together at the cell surface to cooperatively ...


Pinpointing the origins of arthritis

(Medical Xpress) -- A large, RIKEN-led, international team of genome researchers has found nine new associations of gene regions or loci with the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis. The loci, found in ethnically Japanese ...

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