Page 13 - RIKEN


Helping neurons stay on track

The complex inner wiring of the brain is coordinated in part by chemical guidance factors that help direct the interactions between individual neurons. As growing cells extend their axons outward, these tendrils are simultaneously ...


How humans predict other's decisions

Researchers at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI) in Japan have uncovered two brain signals in the human prefrontal cortex involved in how humans predict the decisions of other people. Their results suggest that the ...


Waking up the visual system

The ways that neurons in the brain respond to a given stimulus depends on whether an organism is asleep, drowsy, awake, paying careful attention or ignoring the stimulus. However, while the properties of neural circuits in ...


Unraveling the ins and outs of brain development

The embryonic nervous system is a hollow tube consisting of elongated neural progenitor cells, which extend from the inner to the outer surface of the tube. In a section inside the tube called the ventricular zone (VZ), these ...


The beginnings of the brain

All of the tissues and organs of the body arise from one of three embryonic precursors: the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The ectoderm contributes to several tissues, including the nervous system and the skin, but some ...

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