Page 22 - RIKEN

Medical research

Immunity restrained by ion influx

B cells maintain stockpiles of calcium ions (Ca2+), which are released during the course of the immune response. When the presence of a foreign antigen stimulates the B cell receptor (BCR) complex, these internal reserves ...

Medical research

Channeling into cell control

A research team from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Wako, Japan, has visualized and accurately modeled the molecular changes that open and close the internal membrane channels for calcium ions within cells. The ions ...


Finding real rewards in a virtual world

Researchers at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute have demonstrated that remembering where a goal is requires the same parts of the brain in virtual reality as it does in the real world. Published in the journal eNeuro, the ...


Are you 'at risk' of being a habitual tofu eater?

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS) in Japan and colleagues at Osaka University have found genetic variations in humans related to specific dietary habits. Published in Nature Human Behaviour, ...

Medical research

Atypical myosin plays a key role in neuron branching

RIKEN scientists have used a new approach combining molecular genetics, cell imaging and artificial learning to make the unexpected finding that Myosin6, a well-known actin motor protein, plays a key role in neuron branching. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social novelty has a special place in the brain

In a study published in the journal Nature, researchers at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) in Japan report that a part of the mouse brain called the SuM is specialized for detecting new experiences. Within the SuM, ...


What's that smell? The advantage of sniffing

Researchers led by Takeshi Imai at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB) have discovered how the physical and sensory perceptions associated with sniffing are kept separate and why sniffing can help identify odors, ...

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