Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)


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Psychology & Psychiatry

Bilinguals use inter-language transfer to deal with dyslexia

Dyslexic children learning both a language that is pronounced as written, like Spanish, and a second language in which the same letter can have several sounds, such as English, are less affected by this alteration when reading ...

Oncology & Cancer

A study links soil metals with cancer mortality

Spanish epidemiologists and geologists have found associations between esophageal cancer and soils where lead is abundant. Lung cancer has been associated with high copper content in soil; brain tumors are linked with areas ...


The brain puts the memories warehouse in order while we sleep

During the hours of sleep, the brain performs a cleaning shift. A study led by a Spanish scientist at the University of Cambridge reveals that the neural connections associated with memory are strengthened and those created ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to detect the risk of dyslexia before learning to read

Almost 10 percent of the world's population suffers dyslexia. Establishing an early diagnosis would allow the development of training programs to palliate this disorder. This goal could be closer after a study carried out ...


'Waves' of neural activity give new clues about Alzheimer's

While unconscious during deep sleep, slow-wave neuron activity travels across the cerebral cortex. This phenomenon is related to the consolidation of memory. A European project called SloW Dyn, led by Spanish scientists, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parents' divorce increases risk of health disorders in children

Children's well-being is among the biggest concerns when a couple gets a divorce. Scientists at the universities of Santiago de Compostela and Vigo have carried out a study into how divorce affects children's health, finding ...

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