Page 3 - University at Albany


New findings show that for heart health, environment matters

Working with colleagues in the U.S. and in China, University at Albany School of Public Health faculty and students have released new findings about the cardiovascular health impacts of environmental factors, including results ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

52 ways to find peace of mind

A new book co-authored by a professor in the Department of Psychology offers 52 bite-sized chapters to help people navigate anxiety, stress and fear.


Is there a link between your pets and your food choices?

People who grow up with a greater variety of pets are significantly more likely to follow a vegetarian diet as adults, according to research by a professor-student team in the University at Albany psychology department.


Heat, humidity, and heart disease

It's no secret that high temperatures or extreme humidity can negatively impact one's physical health, particularly those afflicted with cardiovascular disease. Previous literature has even suggested that cardiovascular disease ...


How pomegranate extract alters breast cancer stem cell properties

A University at Albany research team has found evidence suggesting that the same antioxidant that gives pomegranate fruit their vibrant red color can alter the characteristics of breast cancer stem cells, showing the superfood's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study reveals how bilinguals use emoticons to find consensus

Naysayers like to cite the popularity of emoji and emoticons as yet more evidence of the erosion of language and literacy and, perhaps, civilization itself. But studying how people use them can reveal much about our ability ...

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