Page 8 - University of Twente

Oncology & Cancer

CANCER-ID should lead to faster and easier analysis of tumors

The analysis of the development of tumors should be easier and faster. That is the aim of the extensive European CANCER-ID project, in which the University of Twente is participating as one of the lead partners. Professor ...


Overcoming addiction with an app

Can a game installed on your smartphone help you to overcome an addiction? Soon this will be a possibility. Marloes Postel, a lecturer at the University of Twente, observed the need for easily accessible care for people with ...

Oncology & Cancer

No support for increasing the volume norm for breast cancer surgery

The number of breast cancer surgery which a hospital performs yearly does not play a significant role in the chance of survival. This is the conclusion of research of Sabine Siesling from the University of Twente (MIRA institute) ...

Medical research

New method for creating bone tissue and cartilage tissue

UT-Doctoral Degree Candidate Anne Leferink has discovered a new method for creating bone tissue and cartilage tissue. By sequencing structures, it is possible to create a larger piece of bone tissue or cartilage tissue than ...


New drug-eluting stents more effective

Research conducted by University of Twente PhD candidate Kenneth Tandjung has shown that the new generation of drug-eluting stents, which is being used in coronary angioplasty to open narrowed coronary arteries, is safe and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Guided life review helps against depression

Life review, which involves recalling memories and evaluating the past in a structured way, helps to reduce depression and increase feelings of well-being when used in the form of a self-help course under guidance. These ...

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