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Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

On the track of the deadly parasite Leishmania

Leishmaniasis is one of the most underreported and insufficiently monitored diseases in the world. According to the WHO more than 300.000 people are infected annually with the most severe form of this disease - kala-azar. ...


Ornate organs

(Medical Xpress)—When the biggest enemy of historical heritage artefacts such as organs comes from within, high-tech sensors can play an important role in helping to preserve them


Micronutrients intake mapped out

A new guiding framework is designed to help national governments determine recommended daily vitamins and minerals intake, depending on where they live in Europe.


Right amount of fat and protein, key to babies

The early childhood diet and that of the mother during pregnancy determines the health of a child later life. This is the claim that the EU-funded research project Early Nutrition is trying to substantiate by the time it ...


Fast-tracking rare disease drug candidates' approval

Aspiring new drugs face long and stringent tests on safety and effectiveness before making it to market. And rightly so. But giving drugs special designations that bring with them the right incentives can help bring them ...

Overweight & Obesity

Video: Brain mechanisms linked to obesity

Scientists are attempting to tackle obesity by exploring ways of helping people stay healthy. One research project aims at producing junk-free, albeit tasty, food, whereas another looks at better understanding food consumption ...


Smart and personal: dietary advice

Tailoring people's diet to optimise their health and minimise their risk of disease, is a new scientific approach called personalised nutrition. But it remains a challenge.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The fight against hepatitis C in Egypt

New ways to differentiate between chronic and self-clearing infections may help towards effective patient management and reduce drug costs. But there are major challenges in implementation.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Resistance to antibiotics is a serious threat to global public health

The World Health Organisation, WHO, recently published its first Global Report on Antimicrobial Resistance. This publication demonstrates that resistance against antibiotics is a serious threat to global public health. The ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Parkinson's treatment revisited to avoid adverse effects

Parkinson's disease modifies a crucial circuit of the central nervous system in a specific way. This could open up an alternative therapeutic approach that avoids side effects of current therapies.

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