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Psychology & Psychiatry news

Psychology & Psychiatry

Neural signatures commonly observed when humans make choices can also reflect choice-independent processes

Past neuroscience research has identified patterns in neural activity typically observed when humans are engaged in value-based decision-making. This is the process through which humans choose between options that could be ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research reveals gene expression's role in depression and immunity

A new study, conducted in a shared effort between U.K. and Italian researchers offers novel insights about the biological mechanisms behind major depressive disorder (MDD), and especially on the role of the immune system.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are auditory magic tricks possible for a blind audience?

Magic tricks make the impossible seem possible. Magicians have long captivated audiences with visual tricks, such as pulling a bunny from a hat or sawing someone in half, but tricks that rely on sound are scarce.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Trauma takes its toll at the end of life, study reveals

Repeating a school year, experiencing parental abuse or engaging in armed combat have far-reaching effects on the mind and body that may extend to a person's last months. These traumatic experiences can worsen the pain, depression ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dementia diagnostic markers shown to change with time of day

The time of day when blood is taken can affect the results of tests for diagnosing dementia, according to new research led by the University of Surrey. The study has been published in Translational Psychiatry.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Eyes on the fries: How vision creates a food trend

Research at the University of Sydney has revealed that we don't judge food simply on its merits but are influenced by what we have seen beforehand, a cascading phenomenon known as "serial dependence."

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online insomnia treatment aids caregivers in need of rest

Providing care for a family member with a disabling illness can be a demanding job that leaves many people unable to sleep, but an online insomnia treatment developed at the University of Virginia School of Medicine can help, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young people who vape more likely to report chronic stress

Young people who have used e-cigarettes are more than twice as likely to report experiencing chronic stress, according to research presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress in Milan, Italy.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depressed teens appear to be extra sensitive to parental criticism

"You're so messy! Tidy up your room." "Why are you so lazy today? Go and do your homework." Criticism is never nice to hear. But for some teens it hits extra hard, research by Ph.D. candidate Lisanne van Houtum has shown. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How the ego inhibits personal development and social attachment

According to social psychologist Roos Vonk, our ego impedes our social relationships and our personal growth. "If you're always trying to be likable, lovable, cool or smart enough, you'll never really feel comfortable with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Consumer health: Teens and suicide

Suicidal thoughts are common among teens and young adults, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Nearly 20% of high school students in the U.S. report serious thoughts of suicide, and 9% report a suicide attempt. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hobbies linked to lower depression levels among older people

Having a hobby is linked to fewer depressive symptoms and higher levels of happiness, self-reported health and life satisfaction among people aged 65 and over, and this holds true across 16 countries on three continents, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Q&A: Countdown to control anxiety

I recently turned 45 and have been dealing with anxiety for several years. My feelings of worry, stress and fatigue have increased, leading me to avoid social events and limit activities I used to enjoy. My friend suggested ...