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Psychology & Psychiatry news

Psychology & Psychiatry

Being bullied in high school can make teens less optimistic about the future

The effects of bullying on teens' mental health are well-documented. But could bullying also shape their future aspirations?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research highlights gender differences in suicide prevention strategies

A recent study shows clear differences between the sexes: close family is important for girls with suicidal thoughts, whereas activities such as sports, leisure activities or other hobbies provide particularly good protection ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A third of Swedish cheerleaders tell of psychological abuse

Of current and former Swedish cheerleading athletes, 29% reported being subjected to psychological abuse in the sport, according to a new study from Linköping University, Sweden. The study shows that dissatisfaction with ...


Genetic link between bipolar disorder and epilepsy unveiled

A team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences has uncovered compelling evidence of a genetic link between bipolar disorder type I (BD-I) and epilepsy, potentially transforming our understanding of these complex ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds sensory enjoyment of nature is universal

A new study has highlighted the shared enjoyment of experiencing time in nature by surveying visitors to national parks and forests in four different countries, finding that visitors' all five senses were activated in positive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we yawn when we see someone else yawn?

After a hearty lunch at work, you and your co-workers go into a meeting. First one colleague starts to yawn, then a second and finally it's your turn. Many biological explanations have been put forward for this, but what ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

FDA approves new kind of drug for schizophrenia

The first new type of medication in decades to help fight against schizophrenia was approved on Thursday by the U.S. Food and. Drug Administration.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How our brains' beta waves predict stuttering

Beta waves are brainwaves associated with thought, actions, and reactions; for example, beta waves affect how you would react to a cyclist speeding toward you as you cross the street. New research finds that they can also ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Adults living alone have higher reported feelings of depression

Adults living alone have higher reported feelings of depression than those living with others, according to a study published online Feb. 15 in National Health Statistics Reports, a publication from the National Center for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Refugees find work faster thanks to preventive mental health care

Job market participation of refugees lags significantly behind that of other migrant groups and Dutch natives. To ensure better participation among this group, we must also focus on their mental health. So argues José Muller-Dugic, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Walking, jogging, yoga and strength training found to ease depression

Walking or jogging, yoga and strength training seems to be the most effective exercises to ease depression, either alone or alongside established treatments such as psychotherapy and drugs, suggests an evidence review published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Addressing barriers to young adults seeking help for eating disorders

With only 1 in 4 young adults seeking help for an eating disorder, a new study by Flinders University experts flags a number of problems preventing more people from using an effective early intervention service program available ...