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Psychology & Psychiatry news

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain molecule that makes neurons less selective could deepen understanding of human cognition

Neuroscientists from Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have determined how a brain cell surface molecule shapes the way certain neurons behave.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Satisfying friendships could be key for young single adults' happiness, research suggests

A new analysis assesses the heterogeneity of factors linked with happiness among single Americans who are just entering adulthood, highlighting a particularly strong link between happiness and satisfying friendships. Lisa ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dementia diagnostic markers shown to change with time of day

The time of day when blood is taken can affect the results of tests for diagnosing dementia, according to new research led by the University of Surrey. The study has been published in Translational Psychiatry.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Eyes on the fries: How vision creates a food trend

Research at the University of Sydney has revealed that we don't judge food simply on its merits but are influenced by what we have seen beforehand, a cascading phenomenon known as "serial dependence."

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online insomnia treatment aids caregivers in need of rest

Providing care for a family member with a disabling illness can be a demanding job that leaves many people unable to sleep, but an online insomnia treatment developed at the University of Virginia School of Medicine can help, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A third of Swedish cheerleaders tell of psychological abuse

Of current and former Swedish cheerleading athletes, 29% reported being subjected to psychological abuse in the sport, according to a new study from Linköping University, Sweden. The study shows that dissatisfaction with ...


Genetic link between bipolar disorder and epilepsy unveiled

A team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences has uncovered compelling evidence of a genetic link between bipolar disorder type I (BD-I) and epilepsy, potentially transforming our understanding of these complex ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds sensory enjoyment of nature is universal

A new study has highlighted the shared enjoyment of experiencing time in nature by surveying visitors to national parks and forests in four different countries, finding that visitors' all five senses were activated in positive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep may be compromised with a bed partner

If you're having trouble sleeping, perhaps contact with a bedmate is causing the problem, say University of Michigan researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

AI can spot suicidal tendencies among young people

The number of suicide attempts is rising at an alarming rate: In 59 low- and middle-income countries, 1 in 6 young people have attempted suicide, according to studies. This worrying development calls for stronger preventive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Trauma survivor support reduces return trips to hospital

If hospitals consistently and comprehensively support trauma survivors with mental health needs, including after they're discharged, the survivors are less likely to find themselves back in the hospital in crisis, a new study ...