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Psychology & Psychiatry news

Psychology & Psychiatry

Our brains divide the day into chapters: Psychology research offers details on how

The moment a person steps off the street and into a restaurant—to take just one example—the brain mentally starts a new "chapter" of the day, a change that causes a big shift in brain activity. Shifts like this happen ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research shows the prevalence of mental disorders is higher in transgender, gender-diverse people

There is a higher prevalence of mental disorders and suicidal behavior among transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) people versus the cisgender population, according to a research letter published online Oct. 2 in JAMA Network ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dementia diagnostic markers shown to change with time of day

The time of day when blood is taken can affect the results of tests for diagnosing dementia, according to new research led by the University of Surrey. The study has been published in Translational Psychiatry.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online insomnia treatment aids caregivers in need of rest

Providing care for a family member with a disabling illness can be a demanding job that leaves many people unable to sleep, but an online insomnia treatment developed at the University of Virginia School of Medicine can help, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Eyes on the fries: How vision creates a food trend

Research at the University of Sydney has revealed that we don't judge food simply on its merits but are influenced by what we have seen beforehand, a cascading phenomenon known as "serial dependence."

Psychology & Psychiatry

A third of Swedish cheerleaders tell of psychological abuse

Of current and former Swedish cheerleading athletes, 29% reported being subjected to psychological abuse in the sport, according to a new study from Linköping University, Sweden. The study shows that dissatisfaction with ...


Genetic link between bipolar disorder and epilepsy unveiled

A team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences has uncovered compelling evidence of a genetic link between bipolar disorder type I (BD-I) and epilepsy, potentially transforming our understanding of these complex ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health crisis highlights access challenges, finds survey

The ongoing mental health crisis is causing significant challenges for many psychologists as they grapple with demand fueled by patients presenting with increasingly severe symptoms year after year, according to APA's 2023 ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What's behind the holiday-suicide myth?

For more than two decades, the Annenberg Public Policy Center has tracked the ways in which news organizations erroneously link the year-end holiday season with suicide, perpetuating the false holiday-suicide myth. But as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Maternal depressive symptoms linked to slower fetal growth

Maternal depressive symptoms are associated with slower fetal growth rate in the critical rapid growth stage (CRGS) before delivery, according to a study published online Dec. 4 in JAMA Network Open.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Adverse childhood experiences linked to muscle dysmorphia

A new study published in Clinical Social Work Journal found that adolescents and young adults who experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) before the age of 18 were significantly more likely to experience symptoms ...