
Coenzyme Q10 study indicates promise in Huntington's treatment

A new study shows that the compound Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ) reduces oxidative damage, a key finding that hints at its potential to slow the progression of Huntington disease. The discovery, which appears in the inaugural issue ...

Oncology & Cancer

Long-term cardiac effects for childhood cancer survivors

(HealthDay) -- Regardless of exposure to cardiotoxic cancer therapies, survivors of childhood cancers display cardiovascular abnormalities and have markers of increased systemic inflammation and atherosclerotic disease, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

New universal platform for cancer immunotherapy developed

(Medical Xpress) -- Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania report this month in Cancer Research a universal approach to personalized cancer therapy based on T cells. It is the first ...

Medical research

'Popeye' proteins help the heart adapt to stress

(Medical Xpress) -- A family of proteins named after Popeye play an essential role in allowing the heart to respond to stress, according to a study published today in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. The finding could ...

Medical research

Researchers solve puzzle of proteins linked to heart failure

Sudden cardiac death is a risk for patients with heart failure because the calcium inside their heart cells is not properly controlled and this can lead to an irregular heartbeat. New findings published in PLoS ONE, which ...

Medical research

Human 'shock absorbers' discovered

(Medical Xpress) -- An international team of scientists, led by the University of Sydney, has found the molecular structure in the body which functions as our 'shock absorber'.

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