Medical research

Scientists develop new tool to study nicotine receptors

A team of scientists has developed a new technique to better understand the effects of nicotine on the brain. In a study published in Nature Methods, the investigators described the creation of a novel light-activated nicotine ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Scientists find a method of protection against Alzheimer's disease

A joint study on the Lynx1 protein has revealed that the protein competes with human nicotinic acetylcholine receptors for binding to amyloids, which are the main cause of Alzheimer's development. In the future, the protein ...

Medical research

Nicotine vaccine delays the drug's effects in mice

Many people who smoke want to quit, but the urge to light up is often irresistible. An effective vaccine to help people kick the habit once and for all has been elusive. But now, scientists report in ACS' Journal of Medicinal ...

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