
Protein identified that serves as a 'brake' on inflammation

Researchers have identified a protein that offers a new focus for developing targeted therapies to tame the severe inflammation associated with multiple sclerosis (MS), colitis and other autoimmune disorders. St. Jude Children's ...


The pathway to asthma winds through toll-like receptor 4

In a report that appears online in the journal Science, Dr. David Corry of Baylor College of Medicine and colleagues describe a molecule called toll-like receptor 4 that plays a key role in prompting the innate or immediate ...


Discovery of an innate immunological memory in the intestine

The innate immune system plays a crucial role in regulating host-microbe interactions, and especially in providing protection against pathogens that invade the mucosa. Using an intestinal infection model, scientists from ...


Decision-making involves a little known brain region

When faced with a change to our environment, we have to make appropriate decisions, which usually involves the orbitofrontal cortex. Yet unexpectedly, scientists at the Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives ...

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