
How serotonin curbs cocaine addiction

Contrary to common thinking, cocaine triggers an addiction in only 20 percent of consumers. But what happens in their brains when they lose control of their consumption? Thanks to a recent experimental method, neuroscientists ...


Discovery could yield treatment for cocaine addicts

Scientists have discovered a molecular process in the brain triggered by cocaine use that could provide a target for treatments to prevent or reverse addiction to the drug.


Herbal drug reduces the effects of alcohol

(Medical Xpress) -- Alcohol consumption can lead to those dreaded hangovers and even alcohol dependence. However, a new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience has found a natural ingredient in the Asian tree Hovenia ...


On the path toward non-addictive painkillers

Opioid-containing painkillers are virtually indispensable in clinical practice and are typically used in postoperative patients and patients undergoing cancer treatment. In addition to having severe side effects, however, ...

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