Psychology & Psychiatry

Link between gene variant and aggression in children

Some children react more strongly to negative experiences than others. Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have found a link between aggression and variants of a particular gene.


Daycare doesn't lead to aggressive behavior in toddlers

Working parents often worry about sending their toddlers to daycare. But the results of a new study that tracked almost 1,000 Norwegian children enrolled in daycare indicate that working parents can breathe a sigh of relief: ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic test could improve blood cancer treatment

Testing for genetic risk factors could improve treatment for myeloma - a cancer of the blood and bone marrow - by helping doctors identify patients at risk of developing more aggressive disease.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What makes kids aggressive later in life?

A University at Buffalo developmental psychologist has received a $550,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study possible pathways that might lead young children toward different types of aggressive behavior ...

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