
Careless cancer cells may be susceptible to future drugs

Could the ability of cancer cells to quickly alter their genome be used as a weapon against malignant tumors? Researchers at Uppsala University have developed a substance that has demonstrated promising results in experiments ...

Attention deficit disorders

Smoking and hyperactivity share common genetic risk factor

A variation of a particular gene may link the behaviours typical of childhood attention hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD for short, and those associated with smoking, suggests research published online in the Archives of Disease ...


Does immune dysfunction contribute to schizophrenia?

A new study reinforces the finding that a region of the genome involved in immune system function, called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), is involved in the genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia.


Insights into the genetic architecture of penicillin allergy

Researchers announce the first robust evidence for the role of the major histocompatibility complex gene HLA-B in penicillin allergy. To identify genetic risk factors for penicillin allergy, the international team of researchers ...


Personalized genomic medicine faces many hurdles

When the human genome project was completed in 2003, some expected it to herald a new age of personalized genomic medicine, but the resulting single "reference" sequence has significant shortcomings for these applications ...


Keeping aging brains healthy—lessons from genes

Do any genes protect against Alzheimer's disease? And do any predispose a person to its ravages? The answer is yes to both, according to work led by U of M researcher Lisa James.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Nonmelanoma skin cancer tied to lower Alzheimer's risk

(HealthDay)—Older individuals with nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) seem to have a significantly reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD), according to a study published online May 15 in Neurology.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

APOE E2/E2 genotype offers some protection from cognitive decline

The APOE gene—coding for a protein involved in lipid transport and implicated in the clearance of amyloid-beta, one of the proteins that builds up in the brain in Alzheimer's disease—exists in three allelic forms: E4, ...

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