
Why icing doesn't work to heal injuries

Applying ice to a muscle after injury is a commonly prescribed therapy for treating muscle bruises. But does it really speed recovery time and help the muscle to heal?

Oncology & Cancer

Some stem cells can trigger tumors

(Medical Xpress) -- Stem cells often used in reconstructive surgery following mastectomies and other cancer-removal treatments may pose a danger: Cornell biomedical scientists have discovered that these cells, in contact ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer turns blood vessels over to its cause

Cancer requires a blood supply to deliver the nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow and survive. It had been thought that tumours create the blood supply they need by stimulating the formation of new blood vessels, a process ...

Medical research

Going to 'Wars' against cancer and heart disease

In a study conducted by Duke-NUS Medical School (Duke-NUS) and the National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS), researchers discovered a new gene that controls blood vessel formation. This work presents a possible new drug target ...


Finding new targets to treat vascular damage

Diabetes heightens the risk of vascular damage to heart and limbs, and impairs the ability to repair damage with new growth of blood vessels, called angiogenesis. There are no established drugs to improve angiogenesis in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer effectively treated with chemical found in celery

Apigenin, a natural substance found in grocery store produce aisles, shows promise as a non-toxic treatment for an aggressive form of human breast cancer, following a new study at the University of Missouri. MU researchers ...

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Angiogenesis is the physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels. Though there has been some debate over terminology, vasculogenesis is the term used for spontaneous blood-vessel formation, and intussusception is the term for the formation of new blood vessels by the splitting of exisiting ones.

Angiogenesis is a normal and vital process in growth and development, as well as in wound healing and in granulation tissue. However, it is also a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a dormant state to a malignant one, leading to the use of angiogenesis inhibitors. The identification of an angiogenic diffusible factor derived from tumors was made initially by Greenblatt and Shubik in 1968.

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