
Understanding memory loss in Alzheimer's disease

Members of the Synaptic Dysfunction and Disease group at the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS), led by researchers Francisco Gómez Scholl and Amalia Martínez Mir, recently published the results of their research ...


Myelin optimizes information processing in the brain

In a conversation, we can easily understand and distinguish individual words. In the brain, the temporal structure of speech with its rapid succession of sounds and pauses and its characteristic rhythm is encoded by electrical ...

Medical research

Zika vaccine protects fetus in pregnant monkeys

An experimental vaccine against the Zika virus reduced the amount of virus in pregnant rhesus macaques and improved fetal outcomes. The work could help support development and approval of the experimental Zika DNA vaccine ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Synaptic protein regulates anxiety behaviour

Anxiety disorders are severe mental disorders in which patients suffer from intense fears and anxiety or from sudden, inexplicable panic attacks. In extreme cases, the affected individuals barely leave their homes, which ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Aesop's Fable unlocks how we think

(Medical Xpress) -- Cambridge scientists have used an age-old fable to help illustrate how we think differently to other animals.

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