
Draining blood from bleeding stroke may prevent death

A minimally invasive surgery combining the use of a clot-busting drug and a catheter to drain blood from the brain of hemorrhagic stroke patients reduced swelling and improved patients' prognoses, according to preliminary ...

Medical research

Stem cells restore function in primate heart-failure study

Researchers at UW Medicine in Seattle have successfully used human stem cells to restore heart function in monkeys with heart failure. The findings suggest that the technique will be effective in patients with heart failure, ...


Adipose tissue depots compromise heart health

Researchers from the Institute of Pharmacology of the Charité - Universitätsmediz in Berlin have shown that the release of fatty acids from body fat has a major impact on heart health. By interfering with the body's lipid ...


A nanoparticle inhalant for treating heart disease

A team of researchers from Italy and Germany has developed a nanoparticle inhalant for treating people suffering from heart disease. In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the group describes ...

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