Sleep disorders

Sleep apnea may hurt kids' grades

(HealthDay)—When children have sleep troubles due to breathing problems—such as sleep apnea—they may struggle in school, new research suggests.

Sleep disorders

Untreated sleep apnea is associated with flu hospitalization

As we approach flu season, adults with obstructive sleep apnea may want to take extra precautions. A study published online as an accepted paper in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine is the first to find that patients ...

Sleep disorders

New symptom may help ID sleep apnea in older women

The results of a new study suggest that nocturnal enuresis, or bedwetting, may be an additional symptom that doctors can look for when assessing post-menopausal women for obstructive sleep apnea. That condition left untreated ...


Singles or couples: Who sleeps better?

You might think that having the whole bed to yourself would leave you feeling more refreshed in the morning than sleeping with someone who might toss, turn or snore.

Sleep disorders

Obesity raises death risk tied to sleeping pills

Obesity appears to significantly increase the risk of death tied to sleeping pills, nearly doubling the rate of mortality even among those prescribed 18 or fewer pills in a year, researchers reported Friday.

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