Sleep disorders

Researchers release global sleep apnoea study

The largest sleep study ever undertaken has found that the leading therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), does not reduce recurrent strokes and heart attacks in people with ...

Sleep disorders

Remede system approved for sleep apnea

(HealthDay)—The Remede sleep system, an implanted device that treats central sleep apnea by activating a nerve that sends signals to the diaphragm to stimulate breathing, has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Sleep disorders

A light-based wearable to detect sleep apnea

Sleep apnea, the disorder where normal breathing is disturbed during sleep, can negatively affect someone's mental and physical health. In an Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center (e/MTIC) research collaboration involving TU/e ...

Sleep disorders

Sleep apnea accelerates aging, but treatment may reverse it

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects 22 million people in the U.S. and is linked to a higher risk of hypertension, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and many other chronic conditions. But now researchers from the University ...

Sleep disorders

After watching disturbing video, CPAP usage soars

Like more than 20 million other Americans, John Brugger has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. He snored, tossed and turned and struggled to breathe during the night, which often left him not only exhausted the next day but ...

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