
Algorithm predicts artery rupture

WA scientists have developed a cheap test to predict if a patient will suffer a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm—a deadly condition where the blood pressure inside a weakened artery causes it to suddenly burst.


CFD modeling confirms improved blood flow with new stent design

Vascular surgeon Pat Kelly of Sanford Health knew his patients were doing better with the stent graft he designed, but he wanted a better understanding of the mechanics before testing the device more widely in a clinical ...


Transmural control of plaque formation

In atherosclerosis, fatty "plaques" form in the inner layer of arteries. As an LMU team now shows, specialized lymphoid organs found on the outer arterial wall adjacent to plaques help to restrain the inflammation that boosts ...


Scripps offers new treatment for peripheral artery disease

A doctor at Scripps Green Hospital this week became the first in California to use a new drug-coated balloon to treat peripheral artery disease in a patient since regulatory approval of the IN.PACT Admiral device in January ...


Even mild coronary artery disease puts diabetic patients at risk

According to a new long-term study, diabetic patients with even mild coronary artery disease face the same relative risk for a heart attack or other major adverse heart events as diabetics with serious single-vessel obstructive ...

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