
Brain wiring quiets the voice inside your head

During a normal conversation, your brain is constantly adjusting the volume to soften the sound of your own voice and boost the voices of others in the room.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Loss of auditory nerve fibers uncovered in individuals with tinnitus

A new study from Mass Eye and Ear investigators shows that individuals who report tinnitus, which presents as a ringing in the ears in more than 1 out of 10 adults worldwide, are experiencing auditory nerve loss that is not ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New study brings scientists a step closer to silencing tinnitus

New research funded by charity Action on Hearing Loss suggests that tinnitus can be eliminated by blocking signals between the ear and brain, offering hope to suffers that a cure is within reach, with prolonged exposure to ...

Medical research

Ear's inner secrets revealed with new technology

What does it actually look like deep inside our ears? This has been very difficult to study as the inner ear is protected by the hardest bone in the body. But with the help of synchrotron X-rays, it is now possible to depict ...


How noise and age affect brain's sound processing

Hearing loss is so common in today's society, especially in older individuals, that many people question the use of doing anything to protect their hearing from noise and loud sounds. But it turns out the source of hearing ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Sound deprivation in one ear leads to speech recognition difficulties

Chronic conductive hearing loss, which can result from middle-ear infections, has been linked to speech recognition deficits, according to the results of a new study, led by scientists at Massachusetts Eye and Ear and published ...


Perfecting pitch perception

New research from MIT neuroscientists suggests that natural soundscapes have shaped our sense of hearing, optimizing it for the kinds of sounds we most often encounter.

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