Medical research

Rainforest plant combats multi-resistant bacterial strains

Aggressive infections in hospitals are an increasing health problem worldwide. The development of bacterial resistance is alarming. Now a young Danish scientist has found a natural substance in a Chilean rainforest plant ...

Medical research

Study shows way to test health claims of probiotics

(Medical Xpress) -- Yogurt is popular among consumers, largely because the special live bacteria it contains are thought to benefit digestive health. But how much influence do these bacteria actually have on digestion and, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Transient and long-term disruption of gut microbes after antibiotics

Trillions of microbes in the intestine aid human health, including digestion of breast milk, breaking down fiber and helping control the immune system. However, antibiotic treatment is known to disrupt the community structure ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The war on microbes

The outbreak of a new foodborne bacterial strain wreaking havoc in Germany is a reminder of the fast-changing nature of microbes and the dangers they pose to society. University of Arizona researchers are developing innovative ...

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