Psychology & Psychiatry

Musical aptitude relates to reading ability

Auditory working memory and attention, for example the ability to hear and then remember instructions while completing a task, are a necessary part of musical ability. But musical ability is also related to verbal memory ...

Medical research

Guppy research shows ADHD drugs can affect later generations

By studying guppies, scientists at the University of Toronto and Florida State University found that behaviors affected by methylphenidate hydrochloride (MPH) – the active ingredient in stimulants such as Ritalin and Concerta ...

Oncology & Cancer

Novel discovery could lead to new cancer, autoimmune disease therapy

A new discovery by an international research team—co-led by UBC Canada 150 Research Chair Josef Penninger and Harvard Medical School neurobiologist Clifford Woolf—could have implications for therapies for cancer and autoimmune ...


New reset button discovered for circadian clock

The discovery of a new reset button for the brain's master biological clock could eventually lead to new treatments for conditions like seasonal affective disorder, reduce the adverse health effects of working the night shift ...

Medical research

Scientists revive cells and organs in dead pigs

Scientists announced Wednesday they have restored blood flow and cell function throughout the bodies of pigs that were dead for an hour, in a breakthrough experts say could mean we need to update the definition of death itself.


Sunrise and sunset guide daily activities of city-dwellers

Despite artificial lightning and social conventions, the dynamics of daylight still influence the daily activities of people living in modern, urban environments, according to new research published in PLOS Computational ...


Video: Cleaning system of the brain captured in 3-D footage

All biological activity in the body produces waste that needs to be removed. This is also true for the brain. Previous research has shown that mouse brains have their own cleaning system, which is called the glymphatic system. ...


Deeper insight in the activity of cortical cells

Visual and tactile objects in our surroundings are translated into a perception by complex interactions of neurons in the cortex. The principles underlying spatial and temporal organization of neuronal activity during decision-making ...

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