Oncology & Cancer

Digest this: Cure for cancer may live in our intestines

Treating a cancerous tumor is like watering a houseplant with a fire hose—too much water kills the plant, just as too much chemotherapy and radiation kills the patient before it kills the tumor.


Researchers discover new mechanism for human gene expression

In a study that could change the way scientists view the process of protein production in humans, University of Chicago researchers have found a single gene that encodes two separate proteins from the same sequence of messenger ...

Oncology & Cancer

New paper offers insights into how cancer cells avoid cell death

(Medical Xpress)—A new study by a team of researchers from the University of Notre Dame provides an important new insight into how cancer cells are able to avoid the cell death process. The findings may reveal a novel chemotherapeutic ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Childbirth increases risk of ACPA-negative rheumatoid arthritis

Epidemiological data presented today at EULAR 2013, the Annual Congress of the European League Against Rheumatism, demonstrate that pregnancy carried to childbirth (parity) increases the risk of ACPA-negative* rheumatoid ...


Being well received in care speeds up healing process

A placebo can activate a number of biological mechanisms in the same way that medicine can, which is why we are now beginning to understand why a placebo can heal and alleviate symptoms. Psychosocial factors, such as words ...


Neuroscientists discover new phase of synaptic development

Students preparing for final exams might want to wait before pulling an all-night cram session—at least as far as their neurons are concerned. Carnegie Mellon University neuroscientists have discovered a new intermediate ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Breastfeeding good for mum's blood pressure later in life

(Medical Xpress)—Breastfeeding is not only good for baby but also good for mums with a new study by the University of Western Sydney finding breastfeeding reduces the chances of mums developing high blood pressure even ...

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