
Babies' own genes influence when they are born

When a woman is pregnant, when she delivers is important to the health of herself and her child. Preterm birth is a major cause of health problems and is the leading cause of death in children under the age of five years ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein's role in inflammation-related cancer studied

It's well established that chronic inflammation can lead to colon cancer, but the molecular mechanisms behind this association aren't fully understood. Research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center into the role that the ...

Medical research

Mechanical forces control cell fate during brain formation

A new study coordinated by the Research Group in Developmental Biology at UPF shows that during the embryonic development of the brain, the cells that are between adjacent segments detect the mechanical forces generated during ...

Oncology & Cancer

Presence of leukemia cutis tied to worse survival in AML

(HealthDay)—For patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the presence of leukemia cutis (LC) is associated with decreased overall and leukemia-specific survival, according to a study published online April 10 in JAMA ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Inflammation links heart disease and depression, study finds

People with heart disease are more likely to suffer from depression, and the opposite is also true. Now, scientists at the University of Cambridge believe they have identified a link between these two conditions: inflammation—the ...


A new model for heart valve disease drug discovery

An article published in Experimental Biology and Medicine describes a new model for heart valve physiology. The study, led by Dr. Carla Lacerda, from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech University reports ...


How obesity affects vitamin D metabolism

A new Journal of Bone and Mineral Research study confirms that vitamin D supplementation is less effective in the presence of obesity, and it uncovers a biological mechanism to explain this observation.


What impact does epigenetics have on our psychology?

In the battle of nature versus nurture, nurture has a new recruit: epigenetics—brought in from molecular biology to give scientific heft to the argument that genes are not destiny. The overwhelming evidence for genetic ...

Oncology & Cancer

Does work stress increase cancer risk?

In an International Journal of Cancer study of data on more than 280,000 people from North America and Europe, work stress was associated with a significantly increased risk of colorectal, esophagus, and lung cancers.

Medical research

Skeletal stem cells regress when tasked with extensive regeneration

Adult mouse skeletal stem cells in the jaw revert to a more developmentally flexible state when called upon to regenerate large portions of bone and tissue, according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School ...

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