Oncology & Cancer

Compounds outsmart solid tumors' malfunctioning machinery

Molecular biologists in the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio have found a novel way to fine-tune the activity of cells' protein-disposing machinery, with potentially cancer-fighting ...

Oncology & Cancer

Self-perpetuating signals may drive tumor cells to spread

A team of international researchers from Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (USA) has identified a self-perpetuating signaling circuit inside connective tissue cells ...


Meet CLAMP: A newly found protein that regulates genes

(Medical Xpress)—A newly discovered protein, found in many species, turns out to be the missing link that allows a key regulatory complex to find and operate on the lone X chromosome of male fruit flies, bringing them to ...


New mode of cellular communication discovered in the brain

Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have discovered a new form of communication between different cell types in the brain. Nerve cells interact with neighboring glial cells, which results in a transfer ...

Medical research

Inactivation of taste genes causes male sterility

Scientists from the Monell Center report the surprising finding that two proteins involved in oral taste detection also play a crucial role in sperm development.

Oncology & Cancer

Fighting cancer with microgravity research

(Phys.org) —For lab-coated cancer biologists, peering through microscopes at stained tissue samples under fluorescent lights, the International Space Station may be the last thing that comes to mind. But 40 years of microgravity ...


No danger of cancer through gene therapy virus

In fall 2012, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved the modified adeno-associated virus AAV-LPL S447X as the first ever gene therapy for clinical use in the Western world. uniQure, a Dutch biotech company, had developed ...

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