
Vast under-treatment of diabetes seen in global study

Nearly half a billion people on the planet have diabetes, but most of them aren't getting the kind of care that could make their lives healthier, longer and more productive, according to a new global study of data from people ...


The heart benefits of walnuts likely come from the gut

A new study examining the gene expression of gut microbes suggests that the heart-healthy benefits of walnuts may be linked to beneficial changes in the mix of microbes found in our gut. The findings could help identify other ...


Back to basics for heart health

As heart month kicks off, doctors at Baylor College of Medicine say the first step to taking control of your health and preventing cardiovascular disease is understanding the basics and what they represent for your heart.


Never had a lipid panel? Here's why it's important

On a top 10 list of things to do, getting your cholesterol level checked likely doesn't make the cut—but no matter your age, knowing your numbers can be a crucial factor in overall health.

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