
Genes affect where fat is stored

A recent study from Uppsala University has found that genetic factors influence whether people store fat around the trunk or in other parts of your body, and that this effect is predominant in women and much lower in men. ...

Medical research

Researchers use hydrogel to repair cartilage

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers in the US have created a type of hydrogel that has proven to be effective in treating patients with damaged cartilage. The gel, the team writes, in their paper published in the journal Science ...

Medical research

Fat cells work different 'shifts' throughout the day

Fat cells in the human body have their own internal clocks and exhibit circadian rhythms affecting critical metabolic functions, new research in the journal Scientific Reports, finds.


Engineered probiotic can 'sense' inflammatory bowel disease

Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed an engineered probiotic capable of detecting inflammatory bowel disease, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Medical research

New hydrogel can repair tears in human tissue

EPFL scientists have developed an injectable gel that can attach to various kinds of soft internal tissues and repair tears resulting from an accident or trauma.

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