Oncology & Cancer

Five facts you may not know about brain tumors

Brain tumors scare most people, but there are still reasons to be hopeful if you learn you have an abnormal growth in your brain—even if it's cancer, says Sean Grimm, MD, chief of the Section of Medical Neuro-Oncology at ...


Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed before symptoms emerge

A large study led by Lund University in Sweden has shown that people with Alzheimer's disease can now be identified before they experience any symptoms. It is now also possible to predict who will deteriorate within the next ...

Oncology & Cancer

Putting a dollar value on cancer survival

New University of the Sunshine Coast-led research has for the first time estimated the health care costs of Queenslanders who survived cancers in the 20 years to 2016.


World-first human brain cell map shows gene activity changes

Australian scientists have developed a world-first map showing gene activity changes in diverse human brain cell types from pre-birth to adulthood. By having this map of normal brain cell development, researchers will now ...

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