Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New Parkinson's disease chemical messenger discovered

A new chemical messenger that is critical in protecting the brain against Parkinson's disease has been identified by scientists at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit at the ...

Medical research

Possible tool to help cocaine users kick the habit

Medicines which increase levels of the brain chemical dopamine may hold the key to helping those addicted to cocaine and amphetamines kick the habit, researchers from the University of Cambridge have found.

Medical research

Researchers discover how brain cells change their tune (w/ Video)

Brain cells talk to each other in a variety of tones. Sometimes they speak loudly but other times struggle to be heard. For many years scientists have asked why and how brain cells change tones so frequently. Today National ...


Everyone 'is now polluted'

Virtually every human being on Earth can now be considered physiologically and biochemically polluted by human-made chemicals, a leading medical doctor will tell CleanUp 2013 in Melbourne today.

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