Medical research

Brain fights West Nile Virus in unexpected way

In a turnabout, a biochemical self-destruct trigger found in many other types of cells appears to guard the lives of brain cells during an infection with West Nile virus.


Investigating how 'chemo brain' develops in cancer patients

During and after chemotherapy, many cancer patients describe feeling a mental fog, a condition that has been dubbed "chemo brain." Why this happens is unclear, but researchers have found a new clue to understanding this syndrome. ...


Potential new drug for alcohol dependence

(Medical Xpress) -- Research from Karolinska Institutet has identified a monoamine stabiliser as a potential new drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Tested on rats, whose reward system is gradually blunted by long-term ...


Snoring and heart disease link explained

A brain chemical could be responsible for triggering heart disease and high blood pressure in people with the snoring condition obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), Sydney scientists have discovered.

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