Psychology & Psychiatry

The 'best prospect' for ensuring success in demanding roles

On any given day, people are bombarded by countless preoccupations and distractions, some we ignore and others that hijack our attention. One's internal focus can be derailed by competing thoughts and worries, as well as ...


Using fNIRS to evaluate surgical competency

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the U.S. has developed a way to test surgical competency by using brain imaging technology to analyze the brains of surgeons in action. In their paper published ...


Golf: The neuroscience of the perfect putt

Sports fans across the world watched the American golfer Tiger Woods roll in a putt to win the PGA tour's season ending Tour Championship on September 23. His victory caps a remarkable comeback from personal struggles and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do images of the brain make us more likely to believe what we read?

Whether in a newspaper or online, news articles can be supported with an image of a brain scan or statement to explain the way our brain works. Often, readers use these scientific explanations to help separate fact from fiction. ...


MoreGrasp: Getting a better grip on things

The goal of the MoreGrasp project was to develop a sensoric grasp neuroprosthesis to support the daily life activities of people living with severe to completely impaired hand function due to spinal cord injuries. The motor ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain game doesn't offer brain gain

A new study led by a team of Western University neuroscientists has debunked claims that getting better at a brain training game can translate to improved performance in other, untrained cognitive tasks.


Huntington's disease—how brain training games could help

In the search for new treatments, science often focuses on medication first. But drugs aren't the only way to fight illness, particularly when looking at brain diseases. My research looks into how playing specially designed ...


Better connectivity of brain regions with training

Researchers at the Leibniz-Institutes für Wissensmedien (IWM) and of the Graduate School and Research Network LEAD at the University of Tübingen now found out: Short and intensive arithmetic training strengthens the neuronal ...

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