Oncology & Cancer

Low breast density in mammography worsens breast cancer prognosis

Very low mammographic breast density worsens the prognosis of breast cancer, according to a recent study from the University of Eastern Finland. Disease free survivals as well as overall life expectancies were significantly ...

Oncology & Cancer

Radiotherapy in girls and the risk of breast cancer later in life

Exposing young women and girls under the age of 20 to ionizing radiation can substantially raise the risk of their developing breast cancer later in life. Scientists may now know why. A collaborative study, in which Berkeley ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein predicts breast cancer prognosis

Researchers have identified a protein that they believe may help predict breast cancer prognosis, potentially relieving thousands of women at low risk from having to undergo painful, oft-debilitating therapies, while insuring ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer's many faces examined in new study

(Medical Xpress)—This year, according to the American Cancer Society, some 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. Some of these patients will succumb to the disease, while others survive ...

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