Medical research

Calorie-burning 'good' fat can be protected, says study

UC San Francisco researchers studying beige fat—a calorie-burning tissue that can help to ward off obesity and diabetes—have discovered a new strategy to cultivate this beneficial blubber.


Converting cells to burn fat, not store it

Researchers have uncovered a new molecular pathway for stimulating the body to burn fat - a discovery that could help fight obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Medical research

Got good fat?

Brown fat cells can burn fat to generate heat. University of Bonn researchers have discovered a new method to measure the activity of brown fat cells in humans and mice. The researchers showed that microRNA-92a can be used ...

Medical research

Steroid medicine reduces function of calorie-burning brown fat

Steroid medications inhibit the activity of brown fat, which is the "good," calorie-burning fat humans and animals have, Australian researchers have discovered. They will present their study findings Saturday at the Endocrine ...

Medical research

Fat tissue in energy saving mode

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne have discovered brain cells that not only tell hungry mice to search for food, but also to limit blood sugar use by the brown fat tissue. This could ...

Medical research

Lack of TRPV2 impairs thermogenesis in mouse brown adipose tissue

Brown adipose tissue (BAT), a major site for mammalian non-shivering thermogenesis, could be a target for prevention and treatment of human obesity. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 2 (TRPV2), a Ca2+-permeable cation ...

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