Medical research

Worms may shed light on human ability to handle chronic stress

New research at Rutgers University may help shed light on how and why nervous system changes occur and what causes some people to suffer from life-threatening anxiety disorders while others are better able to cope.

Medical research

What a tiny, wiggling worm can teach us about cancer

One would think a transparent, tiny—about one millimeter in length—organism could have difficulty catching anyone's attention. The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), however, has been in the biological research ...


Drowsy worms offer new insights into the neuroscience of sleep

A good night of sleep entails about eight hours of blissful immobility—a state of near paralysis that, though welcome at night, would be inconvenient during the day. In a recent paper published in Cell Reports, Rockefeller ...

Medical research

Mitochondrial process may predict lifespan of organisms

The complexity in biology is astounding. That is why biologists are thankful that model organisms, like the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, can be used to breakdown biological processes into simpler units.

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