
Researchers uncover new findings about cluster headaches

Debilitating cluster headaches commonly begin in childhood, but patients are not typically diagnosed until they are adults, according to research from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.


New potential drugs for muscle dystrophy found using stem cells

Muscular dystrophy describes a group of genetic diseases in which muscles progressively weaken and degenerate, with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) being the most common. There are no curative treatments for DMD, and available ...


Aspirin is linked with increased risk of heart failure

Aspirin use is associated with a 26% raised risk of heart failure in people with at least one predisposing factor for the condition. That's the finding of a study published today in ESC Heart Failure, a journal of the European ...


From imaging neurons to measuring their true activity

When neurons communicate with each another, they transmit—or "fire"—small electrical impulses called action potentials or spikes. These action potentials are the fundamental units of information processing in the brain. ...


Heart cells cozy up to prevent deadly arrhythmias

Blood may seem like a simple fluid, but its chemistry is complex. When too much potassium, for instance, accumulates in the bloodstream, patients may experience deadly irregular heart rhythms.


Study targets gene associated with Alzheimer's disease

Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham are on the track of a gene that might play a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. The research team is studying a gene called BIN1, which was first linked ...

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