Oncology & Cancer

Can thermodynamics help us better understand human cancers?

(Medical Xpress)—When the "war on cancer" was declared with the signing of the National Cancer Act in 1971, identifying potential physical traits, or biomarkers, that would allow doctors to detect the disease early on was ...

Oncology & Cancer

Discovery: New biomarker for cancer stem cells

In the world of cancer biology, not all biomarkers are created equal. These molecules that alert doctors that an abnormal process may be underway can appear as an array of aberrant proteins, such as hormones, enzymes or signaling ...

Oncology & Cancer

New biomarkers predict outcome of cancer immunotherapy

Researchers at the University of Zurich have identified biomarkers in the blood that make it possible to predict whether cancer patients will respond positively to immunotherapy. Pa-tients for whom therapy does not work can ...

Oncology & Cancer

Late-stage ovarian cancer therapy shows promise in phase II trial

An experimental two-drug combination for treating late-stage ovarian cancer continues to produce strong results, leading its Indiana University researchers to actively pursue the next step, conducting a larger clinical trial ...


Epigenetics emerges powerfully as a clinical tool

A study coordinated by Manel Esteller, published in Nature Reviews Genetics, highlights the success of this area of research to predict the behavior and weaknesses of tumors.

Oncology & Cancer

Social networking analysis helps identify cancer biomarkers

The advent of online social networks has led to the rapid development of tools for understanding the interactions between members of the network, their activity, the connections, the hubs and nodes. But, any relationships ...

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