Medical research

Progress made in transplanting pig hearts into baboons

A large team of researchers from several institutions in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.S. has transplanted pig hearts into baboons and kept them alive for an extended period of time. In their paper published in the ...


Cause of ventricular tachycardia determines treatment

Dear Mayo Clinic: Recently, I was diagnosed with ventricular tachycardia, but doctors said a cause cannot be determined. What usually causes this problem? Does knowing the cause make a difference in treatment?


Is too much cardio bad for you? Study says probably not

Some research has shown that ultra-fit athletes such as marathon runners can have cardiac damage such as heart scarring or arrhythmia, raising the question of whether too much aerobic exercise can be a bad thing.


New insights into the development of heart disease therapeutics

The heart of a neonatal mouse is capable of self-repair after tissue damage. However, this ability disappears during the first week of life. Researchers at the University of Helsinki investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying ...

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