Oncology & Cancer

Researchers solve mystery behind tumor receptor behavior

Case Western Reserve University and MetroHealth cancer researchers have successfully unraveled a mystery surrounding a receptor protein that can either suppress cancer or foster its growth and spread. The findings, recently ...


Shedding light on rhodopsin dynamics in the retina

Photoreceptor cells in our eyes can adjust to both weak and strong light levels, but we still don't know exactly how they do it. Emeritus Professor Fumio Hayashi of Kobe University and his colleagues revealed that the photoreceptor ...


The immune response to heart attacks

The damage caused by a heart attack triggers an inflammatory reaction which degrades the affected tissue. This response is orchestrated by immune cells that reside in the nearby pericardial adipose tissue, as a study by an ...


Studies find promise for innovations in liquid biopsies

From using fluid in the lungs to better understand the potential of immunotherapy treatments in lung cancer, to tracking circulating tumor cells in prostate cancer, to conducting RNA sequencing of cancer cell clusters from ...

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