Medical research

Tasting fructose with the pancreas

Taste receptors on the tongue help us distinguish between safe food and food that's spoiled or toxic. But taste receptors are now being found in other organs, too. In a study published online the week of February 6 by the ...

Medical research

Study links insulin action on brain's reward circuitry to obesity

Researchers reporting in the June issue of Cell Metabolism have what they say is some of the first solid proof that insulin has direct effects on the reward circuitry of the brain. Mice whose reward centers can no longer ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study points to new therapeutic strategy in chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects at least one in four Americans who are older than 60 and can significantly shorten lifespan. Yet the few available drugs for CKD can only modestly delay the disease's progress towards ...

Medical research

Gut bacteria are crucial for liver repair, finds study

When parts of the liver are removed, the body can replace the missing tissue. A team of researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now discovered that the success of this process depends to a large extent ...

Oncology & Cancer

How cancer cells get by on a starvation diet

Cancer cells usually live in an environment with limited supplies of the nutrients they need to proliferate — most notably, oxygen and glucose. However, they are still able to divide uncontrollably, producing new cancer ...

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