Medical research

PFAS pollutants promote cancer cell migration: Study

In a new study by researchers at the Yale School of Public Health, two "forever chemicals" spurred cancer cells in the lab to migrate to new positions, an indication that the chemicals could contribute to cancer metastasis ...

Oncology & Cancer

Zeroing in on melanoma's molecular spread

The secret to melanoma's metastatic spread could be a complex natural pathway it hijacks—one which may be a therapeutic target in combination with other targeted therapies and immunotherapies, according to new research ...

Medical research

Tiny cellular antennae key to fat formation in muscle

Like it or not, as we age, our muscle cells are slowly exchanged, one by one, for fat cells. This process quickens when we injure a muscle, and an extreme form of this process is also seen in muscle-wasting diseases such ...

Medical research

Ciliopathies lie behind many human diseases

In recent years, cilia, microscopic, tentacle-like extensions from biological cells, have risen from relative obscurity and are now considered important to the understanding of many human afflictions. In a December BioScience ...

Medical research

Racing sperm to boost results of in vitro fertilization

The World Health Organization estimates more than 70 million couples worldwide are unable to conceive each year, with close to a third of those cases attributable solely to issues with male fertility—including low sperm ...

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