Oncology & Cancer

Protein spheres protect the genome of cancer cells

MYC genes and their proteins play a central role in the emergence and development of almost all cancers. They drive the uncontrolled growth and altered metabolism of tumor cells. And they help tumors hide from the immune ...

Medical research

Novel technique reveals surprising way to suppress tumor cells

By analyzing key enzymes in a new way, an international team led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine has discovered how a well-known signaling molecule can either stimulate or suppress tumor growth depending on where ...


Team discovers second stem cell type in mouse brain

In the brain of adult mammals, neural stem cells ensure that new nerve cells (neurons), are constantly formed. This process, known as adult neurogenesis, helps mice maintain their sense of smell. A research team led by Dr. ...


New drug candidate developed to treat type 2 diabetes

A team of researchers from Helmholtz Munich, the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) and Novo Nordisk have developed a new hormone combination for the future treatment of type 2 diabetes. The scientists have combined ...


Ketamine found to be unlikely to lead to addiction

A team of researchers at the University of Geneva has found that ketamine is unlikely to be addictive to people who use it for extended periods of time. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes ...


Making sense of socially enhanced aggression in the brains of mice

When male animals spend time around other males of the same species, subsequent aggressive behavior tends to be amplified—this type of priming is known as social instigation. However, the pathway in the brain that leads ...

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