Medical research

How transcription factors influence insulin-producing beta cells

A recent study from the laboratory of Joseph Bass, MD, Ph.D., the Charles F. Kettering Professor of Medicine and chief of Endocrinology in the Department of Medicine, has revealed how transcription factors within individual ...


Study reveals function of little-understood synapse in the brain

New research from Oregon Health & Science University for the first time reveals the function of a little-understood junction between cells in the brain that could have important treatment implications for conditions ranging ...


Study shows special brain cells react to unexpected situations

New research from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience shows that chandelier cells, a specific type of brain cell, become active during unexpected situations. Researchers have been wondering about the functionality ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

'Exhausted' immune cells may drive Alzheimer's

Mice reach the twilight of their lives at around age two, the rough equivalent of 80 in human years. And when researchers introduce specific mutations into mice and then age them up, the mice can grow forgetful and irritable—eventually ...

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