Medical research

Taurine may be a key to longer and healthier life

A deficiency of taurine—a nutrient produced in the body and found in many foods—is a driver of aging in animals, according to a new study led by Columbia researchers and involving dozens of aging researchers around the ...

Medical research

Cellular reprogramming reverses signs of aging

Graying hair, crow's feet, an injury that's taking longer to heal than when we were 20—faced with the unmistakable signs of aging, most of us have had a least one fantasy of turning back time. Now, scientists at the Salk ...


Making young mice old in a matter of three weeks

In a paper recently published in PNAS Nexus, researchers from the Department of Comparative Biosciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign describe how they were able to inhibit the activity of a specific neuronal ...

Medical research

Cryptic transcription in mammalian stem cells linked to aging

Although visible signs of aging are usually unmistakable, unraveling what triggers them has been quite a challenge. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and collaborating institutions have discovered that a cellular ...

Medical research

Chronic inflammation causes a reduction in NAD+

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a key metabolite central to an efficient and healthy metabolism, declines with age. This previously unexplained phenomena is associated with numerous age-related diseases and has ...

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