
Schwann cells 'dine in' to clear myelin from injured nerves

Researchers reveal how cells in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) degrade myelin after nerve injury, a process that fails to occur in the central nervous system (CNS). The study appears in The Journal of Cell Biology.

Medical research

Friedreich's ataxia: An effective gene therapy in an animal model

The team led by Hélène Puccio, director of research for Inserm at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in close collaboration with Patrick Aubourg's team has demonstrated, in the mice, the efficacy ...

Oncology & Cancer

Enhancement of chemotherapy by prevention of tumor cell repair

Chemotherapies are cancer treatments that work by inducing lesions in the DNA of tumour cells in order to inhibit their proliferation. However, the body naturally tries to repair these lesions, and thus reduces the efficacy ...


Brain circuitry that triggers overeating identified

Sixty years ago scientists could electrically stimulate a region of a mouse's brain causing the mouse to eat, whether hungry or not. Now researchers from UNC School of Medicine have pinpointed the precise cellular connections ...


Autism gene stunts neurons, but growth can be restored, in mice

Brown University researchers have traced a genetic deficiency implicated in autism in humans to specific molecular and cellular consequences that cause clear deficits in mice in how well neurons can grow the intricate branches ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein predicts breast cancer prognosis

Researchers have identified a protein that they believe may help predict breast cancer prognosis, potentially relieving thousands of women at low risk from having to undergo painful, oft-debilitating therapies, while insuring ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study shows microRNAs can trigger lymphomas

A small group of immune-regulating molecules, when overproduced even moderately, can trigger the blood cancers known as lymphomas, according to a new study led by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI).

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