Gerontology & Geriatrics

Why ageing should be classified as a disease

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, doctors and philosophers have argued whether ageing is a disease or a natural process. Many authors of the Hippocratic Corpus argued that growing old invariably leads to frailty, disability ...


Researchers identify another piece of the 'histone code' puzzle

(Medical Xpress)—DNA is often called the blueprint of life, but the four-letter combinations that make up the genetic code are just part of the story. Built upon the DNA lies additional epigenetic information in the form ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fighting cancer with microgravity research

( —For lab-coated cancer biologists, peering through microscopes at stained tissue samples under fluorescent lights, the International Space Station may be the last thing that comes to mind. But 40 years of microgravity ...

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