
The scientific side of steroid use and abuse

Leslie Henderson investigates the cellular basis for behavioral changes seen with the abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids. In her laboratory work, Henderson has looked at three major behavioral systems typically associated ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study shows how chronic inflammation can cause cancer

A hormone-like substance produced by the body to promote inflammation can cause an aggressive form of leukemia when present at high levels, according to a new study by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive ...

Medical research

Protein expression gets the heart pumping

Most people think the development of the heart only happens in the womb, however the days and weeks following birth are full of cellular changes that play a role in the structure and function of the heart. Using mouse models, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds cancer-fighting goodness in cholesterol

A Simon Fraser University researcher is among four scientists who argue that cholesterol may slow or stop cancer cell growth. They describe how cholesterol-binding proteins called ORPs may control cell growth in A Detour ...

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